Friday, November 2, 2012

If Samuel L. Jackson Starred as Tyrael

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Saturday, October 20, 2012

CiniCraft Is Now On Facebook

    Show you support by liking CiniCraft and long live Blizzard's legacy! Click here to visit my Facebook page.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Good Fucking Riddance Castillo...

Sorry I'm A Philadelphia Eagles Fan

Still disappointed with the Lions scoring 20 points in the fourth quarter and overtime. Seriously that was just disgraceful, shame on you Castillo.

If you're not living in the U.S. there's more info here:


World of Warcraft Can't Handle Maximum Settings Anymore... What The Flux?!

Since installing World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria, I can no longer play WoW with maximum settings (My video card: "Nvidia GTX 260"). But how can this be? How did they manage to make it look so good? For me this was a reality check on who it was that was developing this expansion pack, it's the team at Blizzard. Just because I don't have time for video games like I used to doesn't mean Blizzard's going to miss me and stop working so hard on them.

Always Bet On Blizzard

Blizzard's typical routine with every game (except Diablo) is to release solid expansion packs that are packed with so much new content that it makes the original game seem primitive and dull without the expansion pack upgrade.

The Haters Have Been Silenced

Blizzard has once again affirmed its integrity in releasing well polished quality gaming experiences. We all said that we weren't buying Mists of Pandaria and that we were done with WoW altogether. The new expansion pack on the contrary is looking phenomenal, and the haters are all eating their words. Yes I will buy the expansion, yes I will also pay for the first monthly payment... yes I Must... play... WoW...

And Heart of the Swarm Will Be Graphically Updated Because...

So if World of Warcraft expansions have been constantly receiving graphical updates as the years went by, there's no reason why they won't do the same for Heart of the Swarm. And the fact that an old game such as WoW would run so poorly on my GTX 260 on maximum settings perplexes me.

So There You Have It

If Blizzard's charging $40 for just an expansion pack, (now because of that piece of dinosaur shit Xbox 360, they started calling expansion packs "DLCs") they know damn well that making a product that will give players their money's worth is priority 1, while company culture such as going to the clubs and dropping ecstasy with fellow employees comes second (3D Realms probably had it the other way around).

Friday, October 5, 2012

World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Sells 2.7 Million Copies

I was suppose to NOT buy this... 

      Okay... this looks pretty cool now. Maybe a kung fu panda MMO wasn't such a bad idea after all. I think I'm going to buy this game after finals when Christmas break starts. Watch the trailer, you will not be disappointed:

      Yesterday Blizzard Entertainment announced that Mists of Pandaria sold through 2.7 million copies within the first week of its release. World of Warcraft's subscriber mark had also passed 10 million once again. Will Blizzard set a new world record for MMO subscribers yet again?

Why were sales initially slow? 

Last Weekend's Units Sold Was 60% Less Than Cataclysms First Weekend

My Theory

      People thought that they would DEFINITELY not get the expansion because look at it, when it comes to gaming you have to judge the book by its cover. It seems like such a bad idea but shit, somehow Blizzard pulled it off. Like always they didn't let me down. The setting of this game is unlike anything that I've ever seen before, it just works so well. How could any veteran World of Warcraft player not finish off the last five levels again and return to their beloved land of myth and legend. Now it's kind of a legendary game that has maintained millions of subscribers, try to hate on WoW and you'll just sound stupid. It'll be like calling The Rock a pussy. But that's just my opinion, the real question here is: Will you buy this game? You can already download the starter edition of WoW and play as the pandaren for free until level 20. The only drawback to the starter edition is you can't play as the monk.

Post your comment about your first impressions of Mists of Pandaria.